You shipped me the wrong item! What should I do?

First and foremost, we truly apologize if you received an incorrect item. While we do our best to mitigate these issues, they may happen from time to time. We understand it’s a huge inconvenience and truly appreciate your cooperation while we work to make it right.
If you are in receipt of a mis-shipped order, please follow the below steps to facilitate a resolution:

  1. Email us at with the below details:
    1. Order Number
    2. A photo of the barcode on the incorrect item's hang tag
    3. A photo of the barcode on the bag of the incorrect item
    4. A photo of the pack slip
  2. Once in receipt of your email, we’ll get to work on issuing you a reship.
  3. We’ll also send you a pre-paid label to send the incorrect item back to us.

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